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Mass Title 5 System Inspector Certification | Winter 2025
January 6 & 10, 2025
MHOA is sharing this training opportunity from NEIWPCC that may be of interest to members. Please contact NEIWPCC with questions.
NEIWPCC is hosting the next Massachusetts Title 5 System Inspector Certification Course
Date and Time: January 6 & 10 from 9am – 12pm (online).
The registration packet can be found here. This contains information on the class as well as lists the course eligibility requirements. The class will take place virtually on Zoom. You will be emailed a link to the training, if you are eligible for the training. If you are ineligible, you will be contacted and your paperwork returned to you.
The required in-person exam will take place January 23 at MassDEP’s central regional office in Worcester, MA.
Applications are not considered complete unless all of the following items are received by NEIWPCC:
- completed registration form
- payment (or copy of municipal payment request – purchase orders not accepted)
- completed eligibility application
- proof of eligibility
- copy of driver's license
Eligibility – You are considered eligible for the System Inspector certification course if you have at least one of these qualifications:
- Mass. Registered Professional Engineer (civil, sanitary or environmental)*
- Mass. Certified Health Officer*
- Mass. Registered Sanitarian*
- Board of Health Member or Agent with at least one year’s experience
- Engineer in Training (civil, sanitary or environmental engineering)
- Professional Home Inspector
- Licensed Septage Hauler
- Septic System Installer
- Septic System Inspector Apprentice with at least one year of experience in inspection or design
*These qualifiers are eligible to take the certification training but aren’t required to take the training or exam as they are pre-approved to become Mass. Title 5 System Inspectors by filing a pre-approval application:
- Mass. Registered Professional Engineer (civil, sanitary or environmental)
- Mass. Certified Health Officer
- Mass. Registered Sanitarian
If you don’t fit any of the eligibility criteria, you are not able to take the class per Massachusetts State Environmental Code (310 CMR 15.300). Your paperwork will be returned to you.